Dienstag, 16. Dezember 2014

Apology post - and in addition: nice photos!

I just realised that I'm one month behind with this blog - again... Probably, some people have already started wondering once more if my blog is dead. Answer: no it's not. I'm just dying because it's the last week of my semester abroad (scary thought, btw...), which means I have to do annoying assignments... Honestly, I'd rather write all blog posts about last month than finish my essay. Problem: the deadline is in two days, so I don't have a lot of time left for procrastination. At the moment, I'm just not doing anything for my essay because I'm writing my second translation exam in about 40 minutes. Therefore, I'll just try to find some nice pictures in order to say sorry for the huuuge delay. Probably, I'll publish all missing posts when I'm back home. But I will publish them eventually, I promise!

Anyway, in the meantime, have a look at the nice pictures of Maynooth that I took on Saturday when I was early for the Belfast Tour. :-)

And if you're already in winter / Christmas mood now, have a look at the beautiful pictures of the Christmas decoration in Dublin! - Thanks for the photos and editing, Petra! :-)

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