Montag, 8. Dezember 2014

Another visit from Germany (13.-16.11.)

Yeah, so I'm in the library at the moment and should be writing my essay which is due in a week. And what am I doing instead? Trying to write another blog post... I know, I have strange priorities. But at the moment, I feel like I cannot focus on writing academical work anyway (no, it's not possible that this is because I was out dancing in the Roost last night until... very late). while I still seem to be able to write sentences on a slightly lower level. And I mean, who needs high quality texts for a blog post? :-P

Anyway, the title already gives it away: exactly one month after Arthur's visit, I had another visitor from Germany. My boyfriend finally managed to find a weekend where he could come and visit me on this island with supposedly terrible weather - regarding his ideas of appropriate temperature and so on... ;-)
Jonas arrived on the day of the due date of my second assignment of the week. Accordingly, I was slightly stressed out when trying to manage everything. But I was actually able to print my assignment, hand it in, eat something and get the bus to the airport. Okay, to be honest, the bus was shitty late - so late that I almost freaked out at the bus stop. Not a good way to deal with public transport in Ireland, I was told by an expert...
Anyway, Jonas' flight was delayed, which meant that I could spend some time waiting at the airport - drying included, because it was raining heavily. Of course, on that day - of all possible days - the weather had decided to be Irish...
When the arrivals display finally changed, I began to get minimally excited...

(Short remark, 2 days later: in the meantime, I've left the library - and the country -, come back, and left again. Now I'm finally at home and determined to finish this blog post tonight!)

And I wanted to note that I was not the only excited person when it came to this visit. No, I'm not referring to Jonas, but to a few of the other Erasmus students. They were behaving as if this was some huge event, and not some people meeting in the pub in Maynooth... At least, nobody brought their party hats to Brady's. xD
After this Thursday evening/night in Maynooth, Jonas and I spent the rest of the weekend in Dublin, On Friday, we wandered around in Dublin (Penneys was part of it - I finally got my Hogwarts sweater!) and went to the National Museum (Decorative Arts and history) - and ended up doing a "pub crawl" with a few other people. On Saturday, we went to Howth. Which is a really nice town, but unfortunately, the weather decided to go Irish again at some point. I mean, we had already gotten wet on Thursday on the way from the bus stop (yeah, Dublin Bus, that's also an Irish experience you have to make) back to our hostel. But that was nothing, I swear, absolutely nothing in comparison to Howth. I've never been that wet in my whole life, I think. That was a bit too Irish, I'd say. But we compensated that with hot chocolate, going to a nice vegetarian restaurant, and another typical Irish experience - way better than the weather: a third visit to a pub! Including listening to Dani, an Erasmus student from Spain. Going on Erasmus is really an international adventure!
Sunday mostly consisted of leaving the hostel and going to the airport. Where we coincidentally met two people who had just returned from a weekend in London. :-D
Anyway, this was the short version of an in any case short weekend... And I still feel sorry for Jonas who got a bit too much of the real Ireland. No, not the pubs, the weather. I'm not exaggerating when I say that this was the weekend with the most rain since I came to Ireland... To validate my statement: someone posted this in the Freshers Facebook group...

I don't need to say anything else, do I?

And I'm not planning to say anything else, actually. I'm just going to find a few of the pictures I took during the weekend.

Merrion Square

Slightly wet path...

Oscar Wilde.
St. Stephen's Green

City Centre

Sven!! (From Frozen, window of the Disney Store) 



I was not joking about the amount of water...
Saturday night

I also liked the lighting in Sweeney's. Yes, I'm a lighting freak...

... and a decoration freak. That was at our hostel.

Finally, there is only one more thing for me to say:

thank you for coming! (:

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