Dienstag, 25. November 2014

Inishmor, Aran Islands (28.10.)

After weeks of delay, I'm finally doing the separate posts about the study week - the ones I had announced in my overview post, don't know when exactly. I hope nobody died of curiosity in the meantime... :-P

So, on our first full day in Galway, we went to the Aran Islands. Since I don't expect anyone to be better in geography than I am (and I suck at it...), I'm just so nice as to show them on a map. I definitely didn't have a clue about them before.
Overview about the general location of them.
Close-up, so that Google Maps actually shows the names of them.
Obviously, it's a group of islands in the North Atlantic. We only went to the biggest of them, Inishmor. The reason for that is simple: the ferry only went there. xD
First we had to take the shuttle bus (no, first we had to find it, actually). We spent almost an hour in the bus, before we finally took the ferry for another 45min or so. Although it was slightly raining, somebody wanted to have the Titanic experience on deck. Yeah, what else is there to say, I had to sing My Heart Will Go On...
The view was nice, although the weather wasn't as nice:

Once arrived on (? - prepositions are mean) Inishmor, we decided to rent bikes for the day. Or, let me put it this way: I was decided to do so - peer pressure... Fact is, I hadn't been on a bike for at least seven years. So I was more like: is that really necessary? >.<
Well, yes, it was necessary.
The enemy. :-P
No, actually, it was quite okay. I mean, at least, I didn't fall off the bike. And I was for sure not the only one who was almost dying on the way uphill. But still, I wanted to kill people who could ride a bike, enjoy the landscape and take pictures of other people riding a bike at the same time...
Example picture. I don't intend to kill the photographer, whoever it was...
And since I had a look at the time (I have classes later), I'm not going to continue with any more blah blah here, but just add "a few" pictures. Enjoy!

Oh, cows!! Surprise, surprise! xD

Oh, donkey! (That's new now :-D)

2 Kommentare:

  1. Curiosity killed the cat - I am still alive....
    Hatte gerade blendende Idee : diesjähriger Weihnachtskalender mit Deinen irischen Fotos ,dazu Segenssprüche der Art Mögest du nie von deiner Trittleiter fallen, und wenn doch,dann soll St.Brendan ein paar weiche Decken unter dich legen!

    1. War ja mal wieder klar, wer hier kommentiert. :-D
      Daran hatte ich auch schon gedacht. Ich kann die Bilder beisteuern, viel Spaß mit dem Rest...
