Dienstag, 25. November 2014

A small sign of life

I guess, some people had started doubting it, but I'm really back at my laptop to actually write a new blogpost instead of boring assignments. After I was told by two people already that they are kind of "missing" my blog, I felt like I had to show that this blog is still alive. Really sorry for the way too long break, but I was quite busy the last weeks. Although I - unlike other people ;-) - didn't even leave the island. Only the country, and that was just for a day. If you don't get that now, just have a look at a map - or wait for my post about the mentioned day tour. But I have to warn you, that could take some time, since I have to catch up with a whole month of events or so (oh, what, that sounds really frightening to me now...).
So, please don't be disappointed if my posts will be shorter as usual or consisting of a lot of pictures instead of proper texts, but this is the only possibility that I see at the moment to ever get this blog up to date again...

P.S. Happy birthday, Michael!

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