Samstag, 29. November 2014

Galway City (30.10.)

Yay, I finally reached the last Galway post - and it's not even December!

And this is the post which is actually about Galway itself, not about some day tour to I-don't-know-where. We used our last day to check out the city we had been staying in the days before...

As already mentioned in the orga post, some of us visited the campus of the NUIG, the National University of Ireland, Galway. At some point, people were wondering: "Why again didn't I apply for this university instead of Maynooth? Oh, right - because it's not a partner university of my home university...!" So, yeah, the NUIG was kind of nice. :-P

Fun Fact: The NUIG has, like the former NUIM, its own waste bins. And nobody seems to understand the Irish recycling system.

Free Walking Tour
I just want to point out that this time could do a tour of the city with a big group without any problems. Unlike the disaster in Dublin. :-P
Oh, and speaking of disasters: I'm one when it comes to history. So I cannot really give a proper summary of what our really nice tour guide told us about the history of Galway. What got stuck in my head is: it was kind of bloody, with lots of dead people. Anyway, I'll just provide a link to Wikipedia here for the people who are interested in the History of Galway.
I'll just move on to the pictures I took during the tour. Maybe that was another reason why I didn't hear and memorize everything: I was just too busy trying to take at least decent pictures with my phone (reminder: my camera had died the day before and I hadn't brought my charger...).
The results:

In Galway's cathedral. One of the youngest cathedrals in Europe or so...
Special Irish marble.

Some fairy bridge.

You're at the west coast, when... there are signs in Irish only.

Comment in between: if the internet is slow - which is the case at the moment - uploading pictures is incredibly annoying...
But never mind, I'm going to upload some more pictures, no matter how long it will take me. For example, some...
... Random Pictures!
They are just too cute to keep them for myself!
In Penneys, I think.
Oh, rabbit! <3

Good thing a few of us "decided" to take the bus two hours later than the majority. (We would have had to stress "a bit" to make it for the earlier bus...) So we actually had time to look for the seaside. Searching for it took some time and nearly got us killed by a car (electric cars are evil, because you cannot hear them coming!), but we eventually managed to find it. Which made me really happy, because I like going to the seaside. And taking pictures of it. Although I might like the latter a bit too much...

Anyway, I obviously survived the trip - including all the selfies that other people took of me and that I'm certainly not posting here now! - and can now present a few seaside pictures to end the Galway posts with:

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hey Vanessa, I love reading your blog, so nice to see what other Erasmus people are up to! :)
