Samstag, 28. Februar 2015

Erasmus Farewell Party (12.12.)

The last week of the semester had not even begun (it was the Friday of the second last week) when all the saying goodbye stuff started. With the official Erasmus Farewell Party organised by the International Office. Way too early, at least in my opinion. I mean, I still had to hand in two essays before going home (and two more after returning to Germany) so the semester was definitely not over then. So I guess most people were not really in farewell mood, but we went there anyway. If nothing else, there was at least free food. :-D That's why I was part of the group that left the library on Friday evening to go to Pugin Hall where the event took place. Oh, and just for the record: we had to leave the library through the emergency exit because the regular door was still, ahem, not usable.

(We're not exactly sure how it happened but according to rumours that had already happened a year earlier. Weird annual thing. xD It took them ten days to fix it. And a week to turn off the alarm of the emergency exit.)

Anyway, next to food (and drinks of course) there were also other reasons to go to the party. Dani was playing and singing. And the International Office had prepared a presentation. It contained wishes international students had uttered at the beginning of the semester. Since nobody of the Erasmus students could remember somebody asking us about our wishes, we came to the conclusion that only Study Abroad students had been asked. Or maybe only Americans. But it was quite entertaining to read wishes such as "I want to fall in love in Ireland"...
Furthermore, they showed the contributions of the photo competition and announced the winners. A few days ago the International Office had been looking for more participants desperately so some of us had submitted one to three pictures. This was mine for the category "Ireland is ...":

Ireland is ... full of cute, adorable sheep!
You could basically divide the submissions into two groups: beautiful landscape and funny pictures. The winning pictures were all landscape pics which was a bit boring, to be honest. Although everybody knows that I'm a fan of landscapes - anyone can do that. I would have preferred something more personal, like "being a Maynooth student means being surrounded by Germans" or "being a Maynooth student means knowing the only hotspot in the library" (the hand dryer in the bathroom xD).
Anyway, it was a nice evening, for once they had enough food for everybody (we could even take the leftovers with us), and afterwards we went to a pub with a big group of people.

(There is a reason why I personally don't take pictures in pubs - the quality is shite. But this was a revenge pic for somebody sending me pictures of bagels I missed out in Mannheim...)

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