Samstag, 28. Februar 2015

... and partying in Dublin (still 6.12.)

Normally, after a day of touring through Northern Ireland, you wouldn't do much in the evening, I guess. But this was Erasmus, so there was not much "normal" about the whole time anyway. And since it was December we could already feel the end of our semester in Ireland coming. So we had decided to go out in Dublin again because we knew it might be our last time to do it (we were right, btw). Well, and we kind of had to do it because it was Saturday. I mean, seriously, there are basically two days a week where you're able to go out in Dublin when living in Maynooth or nearby: Friday and Saturday. Because on these two days, you actually have a possibility of making it back home without having to take a taxi. Night buses leaving four times a night between midnight and 4 a.m. are a wonderful invention!
But anyway, before I could think about making it back from Dublin to Maynooth, I had to make it back from Northern Ireland to Maynooth and then from Maynooth to Dublin. The first part of this journey took a bit longer than expected due to a traffic jam in Belfast... But I actually managed to make it back to my guest family's house and have a warm shower (urgently needed after a day in the rain) before taking the train to Dublin.
First (after going to McDonald's, ahem), we went to The Grand Social. That's where we had already been when we were partying in Dublin on another Saturday. I actually think I never mentioned that on this blog because it didn't seem too important to me in comparison to the Galway trip and the Samhain festival which took place in the same week...
Anyway, it was fun the first time so we went there again. But although I was there twice I possess zero pictures of the club because I don't really take pictures when going out. I'm more the landscape picture type. Win probably took pictures, because she took pictures always and everywhere. :-D But never mind, just have a look at the website of The Grand Social. It's a really nice club with different dance floors and we didn't have to pay to get in there.
Unlike last time we didn't stay there until we went home but went to another club. It's called The Church - because that's what it is / was. A club (and some more stuff) in the building of a former church (St. Mary's Church, if Wikipedia is right). Again, no pictures of my own. But just google it for yourself or have a look at their website.
The concept and the location were quite interesting and impressing. But in my opinion there were just too many annoying drunk guys around this night. So we didn't stay too long before we ended up in McDonald's again. xD Anyway, if you ignored drunk people and focused on the music it was quite okay. Again, for the second time in a week, I was forced to dance to Taylor Swift's Shake It Off. (Win had already made me do that in the Roost which serves as a night club every Thursday.) I feel like I'm not going to get that song out of my head ever again. But yeah, that's Erasmus memories...

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