Montag, 9. März 2015

Carol Service in the College Chapel (15.12.)

The beginning of the last week in Maynooth...

Since it was the middle of December already, the annual carol services took place in this week. Of course, as Erasmus students we didn't have a clue about stuff that happens every year. But Alena, our International Coordinator, was so nice as to tell us about the lottery a day before the deadline. No, I'm not kidding: you had to have tickets for the carol service, and in order to get them, you had to participate in a lottery. I can prove it:
(sorry for the stupid size of the screen shot)
So we had a funny time in the library trying to download the application form ("can't open file" and stuff like this) and properly completing it (what the hell is my university email address?) before going to the Music Department to hand it in.
Most of us won tickets and since winning meant getting two tickets, all of us (and some more people) were able to go to the Carol Sevice. The only problem was the day because there were tickets for Monday and Tuesday.
(Sirkka's finger nails, not mine.)
So some of us (me, for example) went there on Monday, some on Tuesday. I guess, the day didn't matter because it was amazing anyway. Firstly, the college chapel was really beautiful. Unfortunately, I hadn't brought my camera with me since I had come directly from the library (that's also where I went back afterwards - it was essay time...). But there are a lot of impressive pictures online. Due to copyright uncertainties I won't post any of them but you can just ask Google for help if you're interested. ;-)
Secondly, of course, the Carol Service itself was also amazing. There were four different choirs singing! And you can actually listen to them because the service was on the radio! The person who posted the link in one of the Erasmus groups on Facebook said it's for the people "who missed the angels sing". :-)

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